Project Number: 2022-1EL01-KA220-VET-000088384
The Skills4VET-app project aims to upskill VET trainers towards apprenticeships and couldn’t be active in a more suitable time! The European Year of Skills just ended, which involved the European Union, various stakeholders, industry, education and training providers in different activities to promote skills development.
Let’s go through the together, focusing in particular on all the objectives that the Skills4VET-app project shares!
Some of the main objectives of this events that took place throughout 12 months focus on investing in training and upskilling in order to help people have better chances to find a job. The Skills4VET-app project focuses on apprenticeships to meet the need of the labour market, as a tool to guide people through an experience that permits to be trained while working.
To achieve this objective the partnership carried out a first project phase focused on researching the needs both of the VET trainers and learners that conveyed in a Digital report.
Another important objective of the European Year of Skills has been ensuring that the skills match the needs of employers, in this sense the project moves from the Digital report to the implementation of the Digital Roadmap, currently developing, which will be piloted among VET trainers.
Importance has been given to the digital transition, choosing digital project products in order to enhance the digital competences which are every day more important in different aspects of people’s life and in the labour market too.
The Skills4VET-app project will analyze in particular the apprenticeships situation in rural areas, giving two out of three partners live in small cities in Greece (Larissa) and Italy (Udine).
To find out more about the European Year of Skill you can have a look at the final decision on the European Year of Skills.
The Skills4VET-app project has an official website in all partners’ national languages and Facebook and LinkedIn social media accounts.